The HealthThink blog and platform simplifies health data for public use, awareness, and citizen engagement.


“About 7 Nigerian women die every hour from pregnancy related causes.” – WHO

“Nigeria accounts for 19% of the maternal deaths worldwide.”– WHO, UN, World Bank

“Nigeria currently ranks 152 (out of 188 countries) in the human development index” – UNDP

“Nigeria is the first African country to completely control an Ebola outbreak.”

“3 million bottles of codeine are consumed daily in Kano and Jigawa states alone – NDLEA”

“Nigeria carries 9 percent of the global HIV disease burden; second-largest in the world”

“Nigeria carries 7 percent of the global TB burden, the second-largest in the world.”

“HIV remains the leading cause of death in Nigeria.” – GBD, 2016

“Majority of Nigerian youths start abusing drugs by age 20 – NENDU”

“About 66, 000, 000 Nigerians do not have access to improved drinking water sources – MICS, 2016”

“Nigeria accounts for the highest proportion of deaths from malaria globally – World Malaria Report, 2017”

” Since 2016, there has been no reported case of Polio in Nigeria.”

Want to explore and compare health data across states and regions?

Want to explore and compare health data across states and regions?



“I read and browse through HealthThink everyday. I’m always seeing new interesting things and insights. Please keep it up. Don’t relent. How can I contribute?”

– Chioma, PhD Researcher

“HealthThink allows us to very easily understand public health trends and issues better. The team definitely knows their onions”

– Haruna, FHI360

“The HealthThink team at eHealth4everyone helped us clean, integrate and visualize our 2014 and 2015 data into very simple visuals and in such a short time.”

– Program Manager at SOML

“I’ve always thought of the need for an open health data blog and repository like this. I’m proud to be a collaborator” 

– Dr Makinde, MEASURE Evaluation

“HealthThink has the potential to revolutionize health data in Nigeria, and we at the Ministry of Health will support it.”

– Dr Mansur, FMOH


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